Who's Post are you replying to?
I am a recent convert from UBBThreads (well, I will be once I get my brand-new VB install working). Anyway, one thing that UBBThreads does that VB does not, is to indicate who you are replying to if you just click "Reply" in a specific post. I know that if I click "quote" in a post, then you will know because the quoted info will tell you who you are quoting - that's great. However, in VB, if I click the reply button in a specific post, then it puts my reply at the bottom of the thread, but doesn't tell me who I was replying to. It looks like I'm just replying to the original thread's starting post. I would like to be able to have VB indicate who I am replying to like UBBThreads does, even if I don't quote someone, but only click the reply button at the bottom of their thread.
Say I have a thread started by user "Fred" and there are several replies in this thread. One of the replies is by user "Wilma". If I click the reply button under Wilma's post, I would like my reply, which will be placed at the bottom of the thread, to indicate that I was replying to Wilma and not just to the starting thread post. In other words, I'd like it to loook like this:
RE: Some Topic [Re:Wilma]
Instead of just: RE: Some Topic
Does such a mod already exists? If not than consider this a request.