Originally Posted by Syxguns
The first part of your question I can answer I think. I only have the colors and the fonts show. You will only know that I'm an Admin because of the color, but it does not say "Administrator" or "Moderator" because I removed the condition in vB.
AdminCP >> Settings > Options > Forum Listings Display Option
At the bottom of the list you will see: "Show Moderators" set that to "No"
I'll take a look at the code. I'm not much of a coder either, but maybe I might find something to change, or speak to another coder, and maybe they can tell me what to change. In fact I know the exact person to ask. Maybe we can figure out how to fix this little problem, and just post a fix in the thread.
I still want to show mods, I just don't want a bunch of the <span> text to be displayed in front of the username, or for it to show the <span> code in the Title attribute when I hover over it. Basically, I want it to be like default with the pretty colors/formatting.