Originally Posted by Superorb
I don't want it to say "Administrator" or "Moderator" for the title tag in all places and for all users. I'd like the title tag to behave like the default install but with the edited colors.
I looked at the code and it's confusing. I haven't done any real coding since C 12 years ago.
The first part of your question I can answer I think. I only have the colors and the fonts show. You will only know that I'm an Admin because of the color, but it does not say "Administrator" or "Moderator" because I removed the condition in vB.
AdminCP >> Settings > Options > Forum Listings Display Option
At the bottom of the list you will see: "Show Moderators" set that to "No"
I'll take a look at the code. I'm not much of a coder either, but maybe I might find something to change, or speak to another coder, and maybe they can tell me what to change. In fact I know the exact person to ask. Maybe we can figure out how to fix this little problem, and just post a fix in the thread.