Originally Posted by GCC LLC
I may begin tackling adding on a way to calculate and display the top ranked products, unless you already have something like that in the works? I'm not 100% sure how to rank them yet, but I think it will need to be weighted against the total number of reviews and the score rather than just the score (ie. a product reviewed 10 times with a 4.9 rating would rank better than a product reviewed 1 time with a 5.0 rating) and also should take into consideration how recent the reviews are. I guess this would be sort of a "best of the most popular products" hack so to speak.
Are you thinking of this in place of the current productforums.php index or as a standalone feature [say a widget for the widebar]?
mySQL isn't great for formulas on the fly as they add load time but if it's just rating sum & count it's pretty simple.... I'll play around with some queries when I return after next week.