Originally Posted by entertain
Hello guys,
sorry for the inactive time on vBulletin.org, but I had a lot of stuff to do. There was originally a build with a few changes for iTrader on my hard disk, but I was never able to finish it.
Now, when I wanted to start fixing the latest issues with the newer versions of vBulletin, I had to recognize that I have no access to vBulletin 4.2.0 anymore. I quitted the work for a community from which I got the license for my test board. I myself only own a vB 3 license.
This is why I can not help at the moment, I really apologize for that.
You should start some kind of donation fund for people to chip in to get you a current license for you to own. That way you can continue updates for iTrader. Just remember that people might expect updates to the plugin since they've chipped in for your license.