I need answers to my problem ...
Warning: include_once ([ruta] / includes / functions_livenotifications.php) [function.include-once]: no Pudo abrir la Secuencia: Ningun tal Archivo o Directorio en [ruta] / includes / class_bootstrap.php (438): eval () 'd code on line 446 Warning: include_once () [function.include]: No se pudo Apertura '[ruta] / includes / functions_livenotifications.php' para la inclusi?n (include_path = ':/ usr / lib / php :/ usr / local / . lib / php ') in [path] / includes / class_bootstrap.php (438): eval ()' d code on line 446 Fatal error: Call to undefined function ln_count_user_notifications () in / home / elforode / public_html / includes class_bootstrap. php / (438): eval () 'd code on line 449