Need to convert custom thread template to normal post
I have a (paid) Mod which I'm struggling to get any support for. It's causing conflicts with other Mods so I need to replace it.
The Mod adds 7 Columns in the thread table. When a thread in a particular forum is opened, the first post includes the data in the 7 custom thread table columns plus pagetext from the post table.
When I turn off the Mod, the data from the 7 thread columns disappears.
What I need to do, but don't know how, is to export the posts created by the mod (they are all in one forum) and convert them to a normal post so all the data displays with the Mod turned off. There will be another step to massage the formatting so it matches the new custom template I'll be using, but I reckon I can handle that myself (famous last words).
Has anyone done this sort of things before and has a script I can look at and hack at to do what I want ? Or is it a relatively simple script that someone could help me with ?