ok. i fixed it. on the "humanverify_question" template
<label for="humanverify">{vb:rawphrase random_question}:</label>
<div class="rightcol">
<p class="description">{vb:raw humanverify.question}</p>
<label for="humanverify">{vb:rawphrase random_question}: {vb:raw humanverify.question}</label>
<div class="rightcol">
<p class="description"></p>
dont know how it would look if you have a really long question. it looks fine on the quick reply mod. it just spreads across the bottom in a long sentence. in the registration options instead of being under the box it is jsut right besides the "Random Question:" and flows down in that column. it doenst break the layout but it doesnt look as great on registration. i have my reg simplified but you can see it
so you can see, unless you have a paragraph or soemthing for the question that it would flow across the bottom well.
i think ill try to change the phrase "random question" to "human?" or something like that.
i dont know how to make that store in cookies but if i can find out online ill let you know. thanks.