1) There is no way to put Random Question on one line- that code is supplied by the vBulletin human verify function and it would be a lot of extra work to modify it.
What you can do is add a blank line above "Guest User Name:" so the white boxes line up.
To do that edit the plugin
SHOWTHREAD Template Edit
Find the line:
$usrnmcode = '<div class="blockrow"><label for="username">'.$vbphrase['bop5qrg_guest_user_name'].':</label><input type="text" class="primary textbox" id="username" name="username" value="'.addslashes($vbulletin->options['bop5qrg_username']).'" tabindex="1" /><p class="description"><a href="javascript://" onclick="return highlight_login_box();">'.$vbphrase['click_here_to_log_in'].'</a></p><br />';
And add the code in red:
$usrnmcode = '<div class="blockrow"><br /><label for="username">'.$vbphrase['bop5qrg_guest_user_name'].':</label><input type="text" class="primary textbox" id="username" name="username" value="'.addslashes($vbulletin->options['bop5qrg_username']).'" tabindex="1" /><p class="description"><a href="javascript://" onclick="return highlight_login_box();">'.$vbphrase['click_here_to_log_in'].'</a></p><br />';
That will force it down a line.
As for issue #2 I would guess something like that would have to be stored in a cookie but it's not something I intend to add to this mod.