Originally Posted by Blueracer66
Interesting, I see the front end working on 3.8.7. Would there be a branding-free option?
At this time we do not have a branding-free option.
The search results page and the listing pages contain a 'badge' in the upper center space and a 'badge' in the lower left corner. There are some security reasons we do that. Most forums don't have a SSL (secure socket layer). In order to provide buyers and sellers with secure transaction pages, we use our SSL over the enthusify.com domain. The badges serve as a way for your member to know that they are on the same platform. The system also kicks out automated emails related to buying and selling. For example, when a seller's item sells, the system emails the seller to let them know about the successful sale. Those emails come from Enthusify's mail server. We thus want the member to recognize the email as valid and not spam.
Based on requests from our partners we do have an upcoming release that will introduce more co-branding opportunities. The emails and SSL pages already reference the parent forum by name.
We understand the desire for even more branding options - but the more design flexibility we provide the less reliable the software becomes as it becomes difficult to test across multiple versions of vBulletin running with multiple combinations of plugins running in multiple kinds of server environments. Hence some of the imposed uniformity.
Here is what the co-branding looks like: