Originally Posted by cygy2k
I figured it out - the issue on 4.2.0 is that the xml is missing the template "vbookie_outcomebit". In style manager, create a template named "vbookie_outcomebit" and paste in the following...
<tr class="blockrow">
<td class="{vb:raw bgclass}"><a href="vbookie.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}do=viewitem&item_id={vb:raw item_id}">{vb:raw outcome.outcome}</a></td>
<td class="{vb:raw bgclass}">{vb:raw outcome.odds_against}/{vb:raw outcome.odds_for} {vb:raw outcome.favourite}</td>
<td class="{vb:raw bgclass}" align="right"> ({vb:raw outcome.odds_decimal}) </td>
<td class="{vb:raw bgclass}">{vb:raw outcome.n_bets_placed}</td>
<td class="{vb:raw bgclass}">{vb:raw outcome.amount_staked}</td>
<td class="{vb:raw bgclass}">
<img src="images/polls/bar{vb:raw row}-l.gif" border="0" alt="" width="3" height="10" /><img src="images/polls/bar{vb:raw row}.gif" border="0" alt="" width="{vb:raw outcome.total_bet_percentage}" height="10" /><img src="images/polls/bar{vb:raw row}-r.gif" border="0" alt="" width="3" height="10" />
<td class="{vb:raw bgclass}">
<input type="text" name="option[{vb:raw outcome.option_id}]" size="6" value="0">
Thanks for this fix, was having the same issue, did have to add the s at the end of the title.