Originally Posted by SteveBoogie
This is basically what I needed to hear, thank you for explaining this.
Could anybody recommend to me a host better than GoDaddy where I wouldn't have this problem? vBshout is THAT important to my site.
Thanks in advance!
If you need a Dedicated server, we can wholeheartedly recommend
If your site is more sized towards a VPS, Hivelocity has launched
https://www.sparknode.com/ which does Cloud and VPS hosting.
We've been with them for over 18 months now, and their support is nothing short of stellar.
If you choose to go for any of these solutions, you can mention to their sales team you were sent there by DragonByte Tech and they will give you a discount, or you can PM Decado over at our forums with your needs to have him get in touch with them for you and maybe get a bigger one sorted for you