Originally Posted by Nirjonadda
What an updated ? please Add Update Info !
direct from their site...
The installation of our vBulletin CAPTCHA became easier
Now you need copy just your KeyCAPTCHA private key during the installation process of vBulletin CAPTCHA.
1. Download and unzip the archive with KeyCAPTCHA plugin for vBulletin of a version 3.7 - 4.x.
2. Copy the file class_humanverify_keycaptcha.php into "includes" directory of your vBulletin
3. Open the control panel of your vBulletin (default YOUR_DOMEN/admincp/).
4. Open the page "Plugins & Products" - "Manage Products".
5. Click on the link "Add/Import Product".
6. On the top of the opened page, in the field "EITHER upload the XML file from your computer" choose the file keycaptcha-for-vbulletin.xml.
7. Press "Import" button.
8. Choose "vBulletin Options" - "vBulletin Options" ("Settings" - "Options" for vBulletin 4.x) from the left menu.
9. Select KeyCAPTCHA Settings in the list and click "Edit Settings" button.
10. Copy to Сlipboard your private key xxXXxxXXxxXXxxXXxx and paste it to "Private key" field of plugin settings.
11. Save all changes ("Save" button is at the bottom of the page).
12. Go to the "vBulletin Options" ("Settings" for vBulletin 4.x) - "Human Verification Manager" page and switch radio-button to KeyCAPTCHA. Click "Save" button.
That's all, if you have any questions, please contact our support team. We will be happy to help you.