Originally Posted by GCC LLC
Ok, next up.. lol. Sorry to make it seem like all I'm doing is pointing out problems - because overall this is an excellent product. We have an issue where a user submitted their own new product which we approved. That seemed to work fine. However, when the user (or anyone for that matter) go to leave a review of the product, we (including myself as an admin) get this error:
We had an issue posting your review, please try again or contact support and use code 164251-E.
Not to worry. It's actually
good to see people going to this detail to use the features. Unfortunately with endless combinations errors do come up so I appreciate your tolerance to working through them.
That message means vB was not able to build a reply. We can diagnose this further if open up productforums.php and go to around like 544
Replace eval(standard_error(fetch_error('prodforums_review _critdebug','164251-E',$errors))); with:
echo "debug code:<br>";
Run a review on a user made product and you should see more detail but in short what it's saying is that it couldn't post the reply so likely a permission issue.