Right ted this is what mine does when it a review is pisted. I don't have moderation for reviews turned on but yet they end up in moderation as you'll see below -
This was from a review posted earlier and the pictures are all of the SAME review.
The review shows up in moderation -
Attachment 140855
The same review shows up 'unregistered' in the activity stream for some reason.
Attachment 140856
The actual review on the thread, as you can see it isn't 'moderated'.
Attachment 140857
Trying to approve the reviews and the error I get -
Attachment 140858
Attachment 140859
Regarding my request for the stars images on the view forum bit, please see the image below. It would be great if you could show the overall star rating instead of the words "Rated: 0.0 / 5". -
Attachment 140860
And I had a question. Is there a way for the 'normal' threads within the product forum to show normally. I.e don't show the Rated: 0.0 / 5 & reviews column as this looks confusing and messy. They are normal threads not products so shouldn't be interefered with. See image -
Attachment 140861