I have been reading over the posts and it seems a number of people can get this calendat to work by calling up the cal.php file; However many including my self can not get the cal.php file to work on non vb pages.
I have tried numerous times to include cal.php in my web stites non-vb pages. Can some one please post some answers to this problem here. It would help a number of us out.
See my links in the previous post to see what I mean
***UPdate***# 1
If you try and include the cal.php inside a non vb page that is not inside the forums directory it does not work ! Please prove me wrong
<?php include ("http://www.vfdbl.com/forum/cal.php"); ?>
This is what code i am using to embed cal.php in non vb pages in my website - I can not get it to work if the file is out side of the forums dir.
***Update*** # 2
I have found out what the problem is but do not know how to fix it.
I created a file called test.php all the file contained is this :
<?php include ("http://www.vfdbl.com/forum/cal.php"); ?>
Test php is supposed to include cal.php As you can see I saved test.php in the forums dir along with cal.php
I then tried to call up test.php this is very weird - it brought be first to the login page for my VB site the URL up top still said
http://www.vfdbl.com/forum/test.php so I was at the correct page. i then entered my username and password and it then showed me the "thank you for logging in, username" and the URl changed to
http://.........../members.php then I was taken to the cal.php file and the calendar showed up fine. The url has now changed to
My understanding is if you include a php in test.php and you call up test.php the url should remain test.php and display what ever file you called up inside test.php - this seems to not be working correctly
I will keep you posted as to my progress and if others can help we who are having trouble would appreciate it - thanks