You may remember a while back, I posted a bug report here:
I fixed the profile that was showing the error at the time, but that was clearly a temp fix. I never got to the bottom of what actually caused it to happen as I'm reluctant to edit any of the core plugin files.
Anyway, a couple of months on and it's happened again. This time to three users.
Not sure if this is just coincidence, but two out of the three users currently have " (quote) signs in their garage titles. See below:
Attachment 140807
Attachment 140806
It's possible that the other user did at some stage too, so perhaps this is what's causing this problem to crop up? Just a suggestion.
Anyway hopefully you can find out what the issue is and rectify it in your next update.
In the meantime, anyone else having this problem; it's quite time consuming but here's how to repair each user:
1. Goes without saying.. backup the database first!
2. Login to PhpMyAdmin and locate the 'Userfield' table.
Some important notes: You'll find the next steps easier if you sort them by 'user id'. Remember, 'userid' is just that - the
forum user id. This is different from the
garage id, which you'll need to change in a later step.
To find the 'user id', hover the users name on the forums and the user id is listed at the end of the URL.
To find the 'garage id', go to that users garage and look in your browser address bar. The number at the end of the URL is the garage ID.
3. First open up a user who has a garage, and does NOT have the error displaying on the front end, in a new tab (by clicking 'edit').
Now scroll to the bottom and you'll see some code like this:
Attachment 140804
^This is good code.. how it
should look. However every users' code is a little different, since they have different garage ID's, garage names, and obviously different car images (in this case, the thumbnail that appears when you click the 'vehicles' drop-down link from the users postbit).
4. Highlight, right click, and 'copy' that good code.
5. Now open another user in phpmyadmin (one who's got the error on the front end).. again, by opening in a new tab clicking the 'edit' link. Scroll to the bottom and you'll see 'bad code', like so:
Attachment 140803
6. Now delete that bad code and paste the good code in its place.
7. We then need to edit three things, as pointed out in this pic:
Attachment 140805
Here's how to get them:
The garage ID - as I described earlier in this post.
The thumbnail url - go to the users garage, and the image that's under their username is the one which is used as the thumbnail, so open it in a new tab and copy the URL from the browser address bar. You don't need the first part of it, just from images/ ...onwards.
The garage title - get this from the users garage. It's at the top.
8. Double check the code you're able to save and make sure you're editing the correct user
9. Click save
Now check the front end to make sure you've done it correctly. If you have, give yourself a pat on the head :up: