This is a great hack. I love it.
You can see it installed and working on
my site which is running vBulletin 2.2.4 and v1.0.2 of this hack.
I did have a few little problems which I managed to sort out.
I was getting this message (noticed a few others are getting this too).
PHP Code:
Fatal error: Failed opening required 'config.php' (include_path='.:') in /loads of text here/last10.php on line 13
I think I solved the problem by sorting out the correct path to config.php in last10config.php at step "a".
I was entering the path as ../forums/admin (with two fullstops as when writing HTML).
By changing it to ./forums/admin (with one fullstop) the hack worked.
Other stuff I've done is to rename my homepage from "xxx.htm" to "xxx.php" and insert the last10.php file as
PHP Code:
<?php include("path to the file/last10.php"); ?>
The server-side-include method didn't seem to work for me.
I'm using a framed index.htm page so I can change the names of the frames without upseting bookmarks/search engines (hopefully)
Hope all that helps someone out there
Congrats to Tubedog for this hack.