It is most definitely misleading. Example:
NO. I want to learn PHP and get used more to VB because I want to make my own hacks or even better to help others with their work.
This implies that, if you want to learn PHP and get more used to vB, and make better hacks, and help others, you have to vote for NO, but I want to (and I do) all those things, and I voted YES. Or how about these two?
YES. I'm easy going. I don't care about forcing my brain to learn things.
YES. I prefer to let others do the work for me because I'm only here to download the coolest hacks.
Neither one of those applies to me. I'm not just here to download the coolest hacks, and I don't shy away from learning hard things (at least not always)...and yes these are the two reasons you give for voting YES. That's misleading. Why have explanations at all? Just let the poll speak for itself.