Sorry for the delay i've been having problems with my PC so not been able to look at the issues, i'll have a dig through the CSS and see if i can find a fix for these issues. Those of you using DB-Techs Statistics i recomend asking over at DB-Tech which attributes the styles are using then i can perhaps give you a fix for the grey/white text there. but i'll see if i can do it myself

. Thanks guys for the great feedback
EDIT: Thank you all for the bugs you found, i'm currently working to iron them out, so far i'm working on a re-color of the activity stream so it looks nicer. and i'm trying to fix a few issues with the sidebars and things not coming out the correct colors (i'm hoping i can borrow admin access from one of the members that contacted me to figure this one out since i don't own the elite suite version of vB so i don't get the sidebars).
Other fixes i'm working on include some text color issues on a few areas of the skin and once these are fixed this skin is pretty much complete