I was using the { } characters to enclose the variable as I have done in a mysql query for any variables like $array['offset'];
Do you not need to enclose variables? Is there documentation to understand when and when not to enclose in either ".$var['name']." or {$var['name']} ?
I thought \b meant exact word search? So for example "I have a string" passed through preg_match with this \b searching for "in" would be false, whereas without the \b it would be true?
Lastly what is the syntax for the above preg_quote example you provided without the \b?
if (preg_match('/' . preg_quote($player['name'], '/') . '/', $ctag))
Thanks so much for your help, I am learning alot about preg_match. I was always used to ereg before it died in PHP 5