Originally Posted by astdirect
When i first installed there was a free version of Tapatalk, now they have removed the free version and you can only use the paid version. As above, very misleading. There was no talk of the free version only being available for a limited time and even if you were to remove the free version i think it only common courtesy to let users who have installed the software to decide whether to keep using the feature or not in a timely manner. UNINSTALLED
Firstly the app is the best for forums and is updated regularly with other features so how would you suggest this type of thing is funded? Or do you expect the whole thing to be free forever?
Im guessing you have:
Not paid for the software
Not paid for the app
Uninstalled the tapatalk
you have lost nothing other than a good app that my forum is constantly used to browse as it is very quick and effective.
Smile things in life need paying for at times or design one free yourself - i doubt you would work the hours for free? or am i incorrect?