With Scanu's assistance I integrated this plugin into my Spam-O-Matic Statistics plugin and have the number of threads and posts that are awaiting moderation show up in the same place as the Spam-O-Matic statistics do.
I've always had the issue of not knowing when stuff is in the moderation queue and not going into the AdminCP or ModCP enough to check. I don't like the idea of users having posts stuck in moderation for a long period of time so I wanted something that quickly catches my attention when I visit the page.
Using some conditional statements I have it so that it only shows up if the number is greater than 0 and also is only viewable by admins and moderators. The entire phrase completely disappears if there are 0 items in the queue.
Also, just because I am a little OCD about being a perfectionist, the word Thread/Post/etc become pluralized (Threads/Posts) when the count is greater than 1.