Originally Posted by Parker123
Is anyone else getting this error?
The system is still working, we can give awards and everything but the error is there. I believe it is due to the security patch 3 that has been released. Let me know if you are able to help. Thanks
Has nothing to do with the patch, your version of php was updated and that form of code is now deprecated.
Originally Posted by legion!
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare construct_depth_mark() (previously declared in /home/hoodlege/public_html/forums/awards.php:98) in /home/hoodlege/public_html/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php on line 1829
thats the eror i get when i try to access the awards.php page
Originally Posted by pachel
Above error excists.... it doesn't work proper anymore....
function construct_depth_mark(. . .)
<snip the code for the function>
Change that to the following:
function construct_depth_mark(. . .)
<snip the code for the function>
That should fix the problem.