Originally Posted by gedsta
Installed and working fine on our beta website, thanks for the latest update.
Couple more useful additions maybe?
1) The ability to place the sidebar to the left or right hand side of the forums?
2) The ability to also change the width of the sidebar etc eg 200, 210, 230 etc?
3) The ability to also change the width of the gap between the sidebar and the forums etc?
Thanks again.
These are all possible now.
Left or Right will work based on what you have the default forum sidebar set to (Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Forum Sidebar and Block Option)
The width can be changed by the stylevar- the same stylevar that changes the default sidebar width- it has been mentioned in this thread before- I think it is in Stylvar Editor -> Sidebar-> forum_sidebar_width. Just search for "sidebar" there's only a few.
Any other changes - like the gap width can be done via custom CSS in additional.css or stylevars if they exist.
For example this in addtional.css should narrow the gap-
#sidebar_container {
padding-right: 10px !important;
Note padding=right is needed for the siebar on the right of the page. If on the left of the page use padding-left.