08-15-2012, 11:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Ideal Web Tech
Just to let everybody including the author know, this addon is extremely bad to use due to how its coded. It executes 1 query per post shown on the showthread page and the query is the exact same query with not a single alteration. Which if you want to use the query method like you are it can be done using only one query if you use a different hook since, as using the query on showthread_start would still yield the same results but using 1 query for the whole page. This query also only touches the post table, when the IP also gets saved into the user table on login for use in the admincp/modcp. This addon as it stands could be improved significantly by just fixing the fact it uses 1 query per post shown if nothing else. I mean think about it if you show 50 posts per page that would mean that same query gets run 50 times for each thread loaded that has reached the posts per page limit. Also with the hooks thats currently used the same problem exists on private messages which don't even show IP's. Also this query also run's even when there isn't a single post from the user who's IP is being hid. Honestly if you are going to use the query method it would make the most sense to overload and save a bogus IP at post creation time. This would prevent the need to waste 1 query per thread view, decreasing the total queries ran overall to hide the IP's. I believe it should be possible to overload the IP and save the bogus one without even requiring a query if done at post save time. The only issue with this is it wouldn't effect posts made before the addon was installed.
Also so you know IP's are viewable from posts, visitor messages, blogs, whos online, group discussions, admincp user editor, and modcp user editor, as well as the Search IP Address's tool (located in the admincp/modcp, also there is no hook in this tool so the only way to hide IP's there is a file edit, or else running a query to clear out the IP in the user table). Which basically means this addon doesn't even hide every IP so anybody who really cares to get your IP can get it pretty easily if you have ever posted a visitor message or participated in a group discussion. If the user who's IP is being hidden isn't a staff member it is then also possible to get their IP from the Search IP Address's tool as well (vbulletin only stores IP's in the user table for non staff members).
We have a private addon that hides IP's for selected users from every single page vBulletin has that can show an IP (besides the Search IP Address's tool as mentioned above), and it does this without using a single query, but leaves the IP's intact in the database in case you ever actually need them. So it is possible to accomplish hiding staff IP's without using a single query with almost no processing power being used.
I would imagine that IP's are also visible from the CMS article entries, but we don't use the CMS on any of our company sites to check quickly to verify for a fact that they are shown there as well.
- Brian
Thanks for your dramatic novel.
This is in the free version which is not supported. The premium version does not add any queries at all in the showthread page and it hides the ip everywhere.