If you mean you want to save data whenever the user enters their password (and not when they're using "remember me"), then you could use the hook login_verify_success (in function verify_authentication(), in includes/functions_login.php around line 201), or the hook login_process (function_login.php, line 362).
If you want to do it whenever a new session is created (by entering the password or by having a "remember me" cookie), then I think you could use hook global_shutdown (in function exec_shut_down(), in includes/functions.php around line 8043). If you look at the code below where that hook is called you'll see where it checks to see if the user just logged in. I think if you did this:
if (is_object($vbulletin->session) AND $vbulletin->session->vars['loggedin'] == 1 AND $vbulletin->session->created)
// just created new session for logged in user
The login_process hook doesn't seem to be called when logging in with a cookie (as happens when "remember me" was previously checked).