Originally Posted by borbole
You can copy the structure of that table from the mysql-schema.php file in the install folder. Or if you have a recent back with that table in it, extract it from there.
ok found the info needed but am struggling to build the table, get syntax error
$schema['CREATE']['query']['discussion'] = "
CREATE TABLE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "discussion (
discussionid INT unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
groupid INT unsigned NOT NULL,
firstpostid INT unsigned NOT NULL,
lastpostid INT unsigned NOT NULL,
lastpost INT unsigned NOT NULL,
lastposter VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
lastposterid INT unsigned NOT NULL,
visible INT unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
deleted INT unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
moderation INT unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
subscribers ENUM('0', '1') default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (discussionid),
KEY groupid (groupid, lastpost)
do not see how to input the bottom 2 rows of info