Originally Posted by ksmedia
Sorry, i?ll try to explain what I mean through the following example. It is merely conditioned by a specific User Profile Field.
An example:
As User Profile Field in vBulletin, we have:
- Biografy (field1)
- Location (field2)
- Interests (field3)
- Activities (field4)
- Privacy (field5)
Now, the field5 (Privacy) has 2 options:
1. Yes
2. No
So, the option I meant is that, the users that have "Yes" defined in field5 cannot send/recieve PM?s to users whith "No" defined in field5 and vice-versa.
Nice suggestion, I'll definitely give it a shot when I get some free time. Haven't had the time to work on this modification as much as I'd like but I'll give it a try soon.