Originally Posted by Anygma
im planning to upgrade vb3 to vb4.. How can I upgrade the vB Experience plugin?
Here is a quote of what says in the file, if you upgrading from 3.8.
Upgrade from vBExperience 3.8:
1. Install the product here: ZIP\extras\Remove vBExperience\install_this_to_upgrade_from_xperience38.xml". This product contains a fix to uninstall the old product without problems.
2. Uninstall vBExperience 3.8 product. DON'T USE KILL_EXPERIENCE!
3. Read the normal steps "Upgrade Instructions" above
or an upgrade instructions:
/***** Upgrade Instructions *****\
1. Copy ALL (I mean ALL - That is a common error!) files from upload_via_ftp/ to the server.
2. ReImport product_vbexperience404.xml, allow overwrite
3. If you modified any of the vBExperience templates, revert them
4. Run AdminCP/Experience/Recount
I hope i helped you