Thank you guys, and here is a bit info;
Please take a look an EXAMPLE of my IFRAME below, AFTER ITS GENERATED, you can choose the size to what you want!
Change the code marked in RED, for your HEIGHT AND WIDTH:
<iframe src="// ages%2FChina-Cheatscom%2F160389837398598&width=260&heig ht=590&colorscheme=light&show_faces=true&a mp;border_color&stream=true&header=true&am p;appId=104331886356261" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; width:260px; height:590px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
But rememeber, to change the size first "AFTER" you have generated your IFRAME, DONE!
This is so simple, but thanks for mentioning, now people will see this, and it might help them
About positioning:
I will wait a bit more, and I am sure people will let me know if! In long terms, I will change the whole setting!
Thanks alot guys for for your time, and clicking installl, and to put images up, and mot of all to letting me know, now this is a good thing for a developer! Amazing job, I will take all your comments in my bag, and let you all know when next update is out!