Hey all,
I need some help

I have been trying to get this to work and it is busting my stones! For some reason, I can not upload files even though I have permissions. Let me elaborate.
Permission group 1: Full permissions, unlimited up/download
Permission group 2. View permissions, no up or down (right now), but up/down set at 100/250
Permission group 3 and 4: same as 2
If I remove permission groups 2-4 I can upload without issue. If I change permission group 2-4 up/download to 10000/250 I can upload.
My issue is that I want ONE permission group (Downloader/Uploader permission group) to rule over the others. Does this mod not let one group override the other? Or, does this group take the lowest permission group?
Finally, in the permission usergroup settings for up/download, MB should mean megabyte?....and when I try to upload a 4.3kb file is when it is telling me I have exceeding the daily limit (but when changed to 10000, I can upload that same file).