Originally Posted by TheComputerGuy
No it's not. You obviously don't run large forums, or depend on them for your livelihood.
I'm looking for a 3.8 alternative...and have money to put down to get it done.
You're mistaken -- your forum is an order of magnitude smaller than ones I manage. I stand by my comment that reviewpost is ugly as heck and totally outdated looking.. I don't think it's been updated feature or style-wise in years.. If it was, I would have used it a long long time ago. It's a viable option for a vb 3.x board that has no other alternative. There are much better free options right now for 4.x here at vb.org, and some paid options too.
Why all the sudden interest by photopost/reviewpost 'users?' Your gun board has like 30 reviews total in the past 2 years, which is like 0.00001% of your number of posts... Doesn't seem like a very successful investment (and most of the reviews are totally empty without activity). You already have it installed on your 'huge' forum, so why are you arguing you have money to put down for a product? Let's be honest here folks and not try to use this thread for advertising/shilling...