there is a recently relesased hack that limits their view to xx threads only which you can use...
Or you can disable their access to many forums and leave a them a few to force them registation.
Many internet users have dynamic ip's and it would not be practical to trace the ips for guests. One solution may be inserting/checking the cookie in their computers and warn them after a certain amount of time though.
And here is another temporary solution for you: (not tested writing on the fly!)
1- edit your showthread.php
-- cut --
if (!$getperms['canviewothers'] and ($thread['postuserid']!=$bbuserinfo['userid'] or $bbuserinfo['userid']==0)) {
-- cut --
AFTER THAT insert this:
-- cut ---
$random_num = mt_rand(1,3);
if ($random_num == 1 AND $bbuserinfo['userid']==0)
eval("dooutput(\"".gettemplate("guestwarning")."\" );");
-- cut --
Now login to your admin cp and create yourself a template named "guestwarning" that asks your guests to register.
So what does this hack do? Simple: Checks if thread viewer is a logged-in user and if not (so he is most likely a guest) guest randomly receives the please register warning and thread not dislplayed to him. Randomly once in his every 3 showthread attempts. You can change 3 to any number you like in the code above. You can also add he same code to forumdisplay.php to have the same results when guests are browsing the forums.
Hope this helps..