Originally Posted by Antique-Swords
I never violated any CopyRight rules. After you deserted your clients and refused to answer emails for over 7 weeks, I had to pay another developer to do the work you had already been paid to do.
Yes you can pay someone to do the EXTRA MODIFICATIONS that you wanted. Because all these 7 weeks that you're saying, and even now, you can't post any bug, but just improvements. But even in case of bugs. There are 2 types of bugs. Security issues which need urgent fix, and misoperation bugs. For these type of bugs, nowhere exists a rule saying eg you need to fix it in a day, or a week or in a month. vB4 has nearly 3 years in market and still has misoperation bugs. When you're buying a script (any type of script) you're buying it "AS IS".
You're copyright violation is that you're SELLING the script and not that you got someone to do the extra modifications.
Originally Posted by Antique-Swords
Finally, once you got back from wherever it was you went or were sent (people only have to look at your posting history on vb.org to see the huge gap where you disapeared),
vb.ord is a place for free mods. I've no obligation to be here, to reply, or anything else.
Originally Posted by Antique-Swords
you then bizarly claimed my doing this was a breach of your CopyRight! Yet you did not offer to finish the work (not that I would let you by that stage anyway).
Pitty for you but I've already release 2 new versions and licensed clients gots their copy. You're not one of them, as you're not a licensed client.
Originally Posted by Antique-Swords
PS I got a generic customer base email from you saying your sites are now working again (after having been down for over 2 months). But they are not. Just look at your vbMates dating site; mind you, you were the only person registered for dating on that site, so no great loss to the www, huh!
vbmates.com is not my site. Once more you're liar. You know my site, you've post a review there. My site is:
http://www.teriakis.com. Anybody can goes there and read your review (which I marked as featured to be visible to all), and understand what a rude and liar man you are.
All the best