I installed this mod and it looks good but I wanted the ability to display the color legend from any page without having to change the template for each page so I added a link to the nav bar to allow a visitor to display the color legend on demand as a popup on any page.
The legend is being displayed via the standard_error message box in a small php file that the link calls. Because I don't plan on changing the color assignments I simply hard coded the colors in the popup message via font markups in the php file. This eliminates having to retrieve the color values each time the popup is displayed.
Here's the php code:
PHP Code:
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'color_legend');
eval(standard_error('<center>Our user accounts are color coded to help identify their category. The colors are as follows:<br><br><font color=red>? Administrators</font> <font color=yellow> ? Super Moderators</font> <font color=purple> ? Moderators</font> <font color=green> ? Registered Users</font></center> '));