Originally Posted by r00028304
How do i rename the title of the navbar rather than "Projects"
Go to your admincp and login then go to:
Languages & Phrases>Search in Phrases>
IN the "Search for Text" field put the text "Projects" without the quotes in the box, then in the drop down labeled "Product" choose "vBulletin Project Tools". Then tick the "Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name" box and click the "Find" button. Look for the heading "GLOBAL Phrases Containing 'Projects'", then under than find "projects" to the far left in bold print and follow it across to the edit button, click it and put what you want the tab to say in the box and click save. This is if you have disabled the plugin for the tab. If you are running vb4.2+ then you may be able to edit it in the Navigational Manager found close to the top on your left hand side sidebar when you login to the admincp.