Originally Posted by Big Al
The site looks ok to me except for the colour. A site like this should be exciting and visually cool. The dark colour is depressing. ( just my personal opinion)
A bright colour with interesting things seems the way to go.
You obviously have put some effort into getting it going, why not make it visually exciting for your members?
Some great points. In future I may look to changing the home page up a bit, however for the Forum I find that a darker colour allows more time to be spent on the forum while ensuring your eyes don't burn out!
The front page will definately be updated in the future, the forum skin will be customized further.
Thanks for your input!
Originally Posted by ForceHSS
Like all the dark skins u have change nothing
Hopefully you're saying you like all my dark skins! If that is the case, then thanks!
Otherwise, I'm confused and hurt! Haha.