Originally Posted by mathforum
Is there a way to not publicly show a list of those who are banned from the Chat Box?
Just in case others not wanting anyone to see the list of banned users, here's how I hid it from certain usergroups.
Templates -> Valter -> vsa_chatbox_dropdown
PHP Code:
<vb:if condition="($vsacb_banlist)">
<li style="color:{vb:stylevar popupmenu_color};text-align:{vb:stylevar left};font-weight:normal;">{vb:rawphrase vsacb_banned_list}<vb:if condition="$vsacb_canmod"> ({vb:rawphrase vsacb_unban})</vb:if></li>
<li id="vsacb_bannedarea" style="max-height:150px;overflow:auto;">
{vb:raw vsacb_banlist}
Around that wrap the conditional tag:
PHP Code:
<vb:if condition="is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, x, y, z)">...</vb:if>
where x,y,z are a list of the usergroups
allowed to view the list of banned members. Anyone not on that list by default shouldn't be able to see it.