Originally Posted by Sarteck
Macsee, read the first post again.
The OP is clearly not talking about content removed by the image services, otherwise they would have been saying something about "This content has been removed due to a violation of out Terms of Service."
Quite right.
I'm not talking about images removed from the servers due to breaches of copyright, and I don't allow anything that is unsuitable for under18's etc anyway.
A lot of my threads contain pictures of picturesque parkland and walks that people have been on etc that they have taken themselves and chosen to share with the forum. Just scenery etc, which is ruined a bit when people decide that the photo is a bit boring for their photobucket album etc and then my thread dies.
We don't have any copyright protected stuff
Just looking for a way to keep the threads alive and the content good for people who come along later and want to look at the older stuff.
@Sartek Thanks for pointing me in the direction of the mod, it's exactly what I'm looking for. It doesn't matter if they are attachments per say, as long as I have them on my file system somewhere. There is over 20tb of storage to play with so I'm figuring it won't hurt to store them locally.
@Macsee I appreciate what you are saying, but there is no intent to steal copyrighted/prohibited stuff. As this is a mod, if it looks like it might be causing issues, or if any copyrighted stuff is being used then I can simply turn it off.