You can't put in anything other than text. If you wanted to provide translations what you could do is find the phrases that are created for each tab or link then enter the translations there.
But it looks like what you want is for the text to be "dynamic" so you can have it display the current number of people in chat? To do that you could create a plugin using hook build_navigation_data and override the text for a tab or link, like:
$identity = 'link_abc5_abc'; // change this to "Identity" of tab or link
$num_chatting = 5; // obviously you'll need to set this
$navdata[$identity]['text'] = $num_chatting;
// or if you want to use a phrase, do something like this instead:
$navdata[$identity]['text'] = construct_phrase($vbphrase['num_chatting'], $num_chatting);