Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO `vB_bbcode` (`bbcodetag`, `bbcodereplacement`, `bbcodeexample`, `bbcodeexplanation`, `twoparams`, `title`, `buttonimage`, `options`) VALUES
('PHPS', '{Place Holder}', '[PHPS]/** Sample **/ echo "Hello Shitty World";[/PHPS]', 'HIghlights PHP with the Geshi highlighter.', 0, 'PHP v2', '', 1),
('JSS', '{Place Holder}', '[jss]alert(''blah''+"\\n"+bleh);[/jss]', 'JavaScript Syntax Highlight', 0, 'JavaScript Source', '', 1),
('CSSS', '{Place Holder}', '[csss].thisclass {font-size:13px;}[/csss]', 'CSS Source Syntax Highlighting', 0, 'CSS Source', '', 1),
('CPPS', '{Place Holder}', '[CPPS]cout << "Enter number: ";[/CPPS]', 'Highlights C++ with the Geshi highlighter.', 0, 'C++ Source', '', 1),
('HTMLS', '{Placeholder}', '[HTMLS]<html><head><title>Bleh</title></head><body>Blah</body></html>[/HTMLS]', 'Highlights HTML Source with the GeSHi Highlighter.', 0, 'HTML Source', '', 1),
('JAVAS', '{PlaceHolder}', '[JAVAS]/*JavaCode*/[/JAVAS]', 'Highlights Java with the GeSHi highlighter.', 0, 'Java Source', '', 1),
('SQLS', '{PlaceHolder}', '[SQLS]insert into mytable (field1,field2) VALUES (1,4);[/SQLS]', 'Highlights MySQL with the GeSHi highlighter.', 0, 'MySQL Source', '', 1),
('TCLS', '{PlaceHolder}', '[TCLS]set token [http::geturl "" -query $querystring][/TCLS]', 'Highlights Tcl with the GeSHi highlighter.', 0, 'Tcl Source', '', 1),
('BASHS', '{PlaceHolder}', '[BASHS]woogypid=`ps $(cat /usr/lib/eggdrop/pid.Woogy) | grep $(cat /usr/lib/eggdrop/pid.Woogy) 2> /dev/null | awk ''{print $1}''`[/BASHS]', 'For BASH environment syntax highlighting.', 0, 'BASH code', '', 1);;
MySQL Error : Duplicate entry 'PHPS-0' for key 'uniquetag'
Error Number : 1062
Request Date : Wednesday, August 1st 2012 @ 11:48:40 AM
Error Date : Wednesday, August 1st 2012 @ 11:48:40 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address : *********
Username : ********
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version : 5.1.63-cll