I'll try to be brief, I am looking for a good tutorial that explain to me how to create a new sub-domain for my forum to be able to save all files , that not necessary to use cookies. For example .css files, js, images etc. A recent load time test on my forum shows up the following (and I conclude that cookies are responsible on that )::
1. Serve static content from a cookieless domain:
Serve the following static resources from a domain that doesn't set cookies:
2. Remove query strings from static resources
Resources with a "?" in the URL are not cached by some proxy caching servers. Remove the query string and encode the parameters into the URL for the following resources:
I have also provide an image (below) of the test to be more clear and understandable. If someone knows how to fixed these kind of problem even with other ways (except cookies ) please let me know..
Thank you in advance!!