Originally Posted by joshskeety
Had another idea. Hopefully this one is good like my last one was.
Basically, take avatars and make them look like this:
When they're online in Steam, the border is Blue. When they're offline, it's gray. When you click the avatar, it sends you to their community profile.
What do you think, DP?
You can actually do this with a few adjustments. Just include a variable where the online status is saved which you can then use in the postbit template and set the border color accordingly.
If you don't know how to do this, I might put something together.
Originally Posted by rockerzteam
That's where alot of coders have gone wrong. They forgot about all the happy 3.8.7 users and moved onto only 4.x.x
I am happy with 3.8.7 and have the option to upgrade but I don't like the new vbulletin.
Even if you made this a paid mod and made it available to 3.8.x alot of users that run gaming sites like myself would buy it.
That's a big maybe. I just don't feel that my time is good invested in developing/porting a huge addon for an outdated vb version.
Originally Posted by joshskeety
I stuck with 3.8.x for a while, because I didn't like how 4 looked style wise, but I've since found some nice styles for it and found it better than 3.8.x in many ways. You can't really fault a developer for only supporting the version he uses.
The style and look&feel is for most vb3 users the main reason to stick with vb3 instead of vb4 and that's just not a valid reason in my opinion.
Originally Posted by alex902602
For some reason this causes threads to load extremely slow and even time out. Yet if I disable it then they will load instantly. Anyone know what the problem is with that?
This has been fixed before. Are you 100% sure you're using the latest version and upgraded everything correctly?