Hello, I hope to receive help for my Module. Now, I can see ONLY "Start Bid Price" and not "Buy It Now Price". I tryed to change my adv_portal_vbay_bit but without succesful.
This is my code:
<div style="padding-top: 1px; padding-bottom: 1px" class="smallfont">?
<a href=$vboptions[bburl]/vbay.php?do=item&viewitem=$showvbays[id]><b>$showvbays[name]</b></a><br />
Prezzo di<br />
partenza asta - ?$showvbays[price]<br />
Prezzo<br />
Buy it now - ?$showvbays[buyitnowprice]<br />
Chiusura - $vbay_completetime<br />
Offerte - $showvbays[bids]<br /></div>
In this link you can see my module displayed, with NOTHING PRICE VIEWED on buy it now.
Please help me