Originally Posted by LgsOfChampions
Installed thanks.
Seems like after someone has entered the room it stops showing up next time they enter it. Is there away to have it show every time they enter the room?
I wanna kinda use it for a different purpose, I wanna use it if there is a special announcement for that board it pops up. However if it only shows up one time it wont work. Maybe have a rest button lol
Just a suggestion, either way I'll use it just have things going thru my mind on how to use this.... thanks
If you have the Popup Cookie Settings set to 'Don't allow users to permanently disable via cookie', the splash message only shows once per forum during that user's session. Once their session changes (close their browser), the splash message is shown again.
So no, at this time it can't be set to show every time they enter a forum during the same user session.
NOTE: If at any time you allow someone to disable the message permanently, it is permanent. If you change it back to 'Don't allow users to permanently disable via cookie' it will have no effect on people that have already permanently disabled it. I do plan an update that will reset the cookie if you change it back like that.