First, no offense meant to any of the nice designers and coders in charge of the CMS portion of VB, but that thing is just not 'friendly' enough to work with in terms of design. Great software, just isn't what we are looking at.
What we've done is taken our forum and implemented Wordpress as the front landing page. We've also got the user information synced with vBulletin so you can login on VB and be logged into the site as well since wordpress is using the same database information.
This is grand! But the problem is when it comes to articles. Right now it is setup where we post the articles on Wordpress frontpage, and deliver them tot he forums by RSS feeds. This works okay, but what would be preferred is writing the articles in vbulletin and publishing them onto the website.
Optimally I would like to have the ability to pull threads from the forum onto Wordpress in widget area's. The problem here though is while we can use RSS to import to the site, there is no real control over the content. Such as formatting it nicely.
More or less I am wondering if anybody has successfully got any cross-functionality with wordpress and vb4 when it comes to the posting threads on the forum TO publish to Wordpress or vice versa?
If this needs expanded on further let me know.