Originally Posted by imported_df+++++
Just tested this on my vB 4.2.0 PL2 suite. It's a no-go for all 3 versions.
The cron job never runs. It says it does complete. No scheduled task is run for Import Export Images. Directories have correct permissions.
nothing imported, no scheduled task in the log even if ran manually and it says DONE like it performed its task successfully
It surely did compete successfully. The "done" stands for: non syntax errors, no halt, non technical problem. There can be many other issues though, beginning with CURL, fopen & URL's, wrong settings. Many things.
The product is designed to work with most configurations without blocking the board. If nothing happens, please re-check the permissions. Most of the times the problems are permission problems (even though everything seemed ok), but we have had also memory related problems with huge images ... but then it wouldn't arrive at
As told so many times before, if Apache (or any other server) can't access the folders for rwx it may however be able to create, nothing will happen. On a Linux environment, Apache should run as www-data (33:33) and jail PHP into a web space. FTP should then have the same access rights as Apache (33:33) and then magically all server problems disappear.
Whenever you have a situation where FTP has different rights than the web server, and the web server rights are not enough, and the rights propagation is not working properly, then nothing will work very well and this plugin fails. Specially in a SAFE_MODE on situation (deprecated for PHP 6+ I believe, thus really should not exist any more on PHP 5.x setups).