Selling Ad space on my forum
I'm not interested in adsense or affiliate marketing or anything like that.
Basically here's what I need to accomplish...
1 - A set price for the ad spot
2 - A set timeframe for the ad spot
3 - A set number of available slots for the ad spot (eg. only 3 ads can be placed at any one time)
4 - An advertise here link, or similar
5 - User clicks link and has some method of submitting their advertisement
6 - Advertisement is held for approval to be approved or denied
7 - If advertisement is approved, user is directed to pay for the ad
8 - After payment the ad is automatically put into rotation in the ad spot
9 - Advertisement is shut off after the set time frame has expired
10 - If there are no slots available the user will be notified of this when they click the payment link or whatever...
Basically I suppose, to simplify things, I'm looking to some system similar to what how the banner ads work here on the Warrior Forum, I just can't seem to find a software or service that will let me accomplish this.
The only solution i found that could do something similar was Buy Ads | BuySellAds but they didn't approve my site for some reason so here I am hoping somebody can fill me in on a system that can accomplish something similar.
I'd like to add I looked into openx source via but it seems that the software kind of forces me to sell ads via the openx market and I kind of want something that will just let me sell ad spots internally and not some big advertiser base or marketplace. Not sure if openx is what I want but I downloaded it and can't seem to figure out if it's what I need.