Originally Posted by kh99
If you have the userid and just want field5, you don't really need a join, just SELECT field5 FROM userfield WHERE userid = $touser['userid'].
Yeah, that's right.
Originally Posted by kh99
Hmm..yeah, that's a problem. I was thinking you were just going to edit the phrase and put in $touser['realname'] or something.
No I will do some more complex modifications based on different conditions. But I simply copied the Code from functions_newpost.php (around line 1178) which will eval the notify templates and fill the variables $message and $subject. Now I can parse it and change it for my needs.
PHP Code:
// copied from functions_newpost.php (line 1178)
For preventing override of these two variables I emptied the array holding the notify templates.
PHP Code:
$evalemail[$touser['languageid']] = null;
$evalemail['-1'] = null;